Leveling up!

Leveling up!

When you go through a major life change, it’s inevitable the ripple effects will follow. For every action there is a reaction. I wouldn’t have known the impact of it. I wouldn’t have guessed what the future would look like. I had an idea. I had a vision. I believed all will be well. No, not well, more than that! I believed happiness and peace will easily follow and live in my home, because that’s how I felt… And as much as I still believe “All IS well!” at the moment it surely doesn’t feel like it. My daughter is in resistance. She is fighting with her own self. She’s in a chrysalis struggling to see life’s beyond the invisible walls of her illusions. I am feeling her pain, her trauma, her war. It’s time to go deep. Go deep into myself to look for answers and guidance. This is it! This is the work in practice. All the years of finding and connecting with the Light Source. I’ve reached the next level of breaking through. How can I show up? How can I love? How can I be her ancher? How can I recognize God in her, in me? How can I BE with myself through this?

I keep praying.

Help heal my daughter. Help heal my daughter. Help heal my daughter… Help heal parts of me to help heal my daughter.

Compassion. Love. God.

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