Three Days

Three Days

As I sit in one of my favorite places to write, I take a few minutes for deeper reflection. The Earth’s saddest day and most joyful were just three days apart. In three days everything changed.  Nonbelievers became believers. He died for our sins… The world experienced the power of God. Resurrection.

We have this source within to heal and raise to our greatest self. For God is the ultimate ruler and creator. He’s the one who seeds life; the only one. It’s the most extraordinary gift. No other can claim it.   “Things” might belong to the opposite force; but the existence of this Earth is from God’s hands.  

The wonder of nature. Its calming effects, and connectedness to all elements prove His infinite sovereignty. There is no question that above and beyond our human consciousness, lays the divine. And our job, our only job here is to reach for and follow the heart’s desire of goodness and love. Our energy stretches towards the light of heaven. Positivity and peacefulness. The soul seeks always to find its home.  

This morning I have angels whispering in my ear. They tell me of my life, and my sacrifices. They tell me of my forgiveness, and my strength.  They tell me, with assurance, that with every sad and unsettling moment, comes an opportunity to align, once again, with the heart. May it take as long as it needs to- one hour, a day or Three… I’ll be waiting like I often do, for a new beginning, a new chance. 

– Resurrection.


  1. RobertSzczepanski
    March 25, 2016 / 1:34 pm

    The website is beautiful. Your words and sentiments are felt deeply. And, I also understand your hesitation in sharing it widely. Our creativity comes from a very personal, intimate place and sharing it can elicit feelings of vulnerability. And, ironically, our strength and our freedom lies in our vulnerability. As I’ve grappled with some of the very same questions in my life, I have learned to trust that my personal, soulful “truths” will be seen and felt by those who most need it. And, just as the Marianne Williamson quote goes on to say, when we shine our own light, we give permission for others to shine their light… isn’t that why we are all here?! To shine our light, our radiance with each other. This life experience is such a gift and we are intended to bask in it and celebrate it.

  2. E S
    March 25, 2016 / 7:36 pm

    Vulnerability- it’s a tender space… But with each step forward, I’m beginning to feel more strength to trust my natural pull towards sharing and believing that my creativity is “good enough” and thus, I am “good enough.” Isn’t it something we all desire?- acceptance and validation…
    Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. Greatly appreciate it!

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