The Queen

The Queen

The Queen rules her castle, but is not bound to it. She can leave her chambers and roam her land, only if she chooses. The empire she build is vast and mighty.  It was planned out that way, even before she realized the privileges that were bestowed upon her.  From the beginning, her destiny was written in the stars.  Every knight that came to her rescue, every Nobel that stayed by her side and every nemesis that fought to weaken her power, were all determined and prearranged by the Greater Power, so her Kingdom can be what it is today…And her Kingdom is good and it is healthy.  The Queen stands on top of a tower, looking far into the distance where her white army guards the walls. She is blessed to have such loyal defenders, for they have kept her safe and secure.  She is proud of her accomplishments. She is proud and grateful for such Kingdom of wealth. Not wealth acquired by money, but natural wealth obtained through experience.  She needs nothing more, yet wants something that rests above and beyond her reach.  As the Queen continues to appreciate her estate, she knows there is no limit to her dreams, and as long as she has them, her Kingdom will grow to infinite potential. That is the force that speaks from within. She can’t stop it, even if she tried. For the enigma has always been a part of her, and without it she simply would not be.

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