The Real Lesson

The Real Lesson

After yesterday’s email, I felt both validated and helpless. I do what I feel is right. If my students need to talk, we talk, even if it takes a whole period. This type of interaction is more of a lesson to me, than reading exercises from a grammar book.  But this year, it hasn’t been the same. I can see my new students struggling, for their English acquisition is very limited. There is only so much I can do. I try, but I get simple nods and half smiles. I don’t force it out; time will come when they themselves will open up… However, this morning, I mindfully began the class with reassuring the small group of students that even though school and social life is difficult right now, it will get better. I attempted to give some other words of advice and hope for better days. But what followed was very unexpected. As I spoke, I looked at one of the students- a tall, hefty, 17 year old young man from Korean.  His eyes were becoming watery, and tears began to flow down his cheek. He tried to hold it in, as the others looked over at him. He couldn’t control it. First, I thought that my words made him feel sad about missing friends, school and life back home. But then, I realized that it was a form of release of stress, anxiety, and misconception. “I understand…” That’s all I said, after that, “I understand.”  The boy went to the bathroom, came back and we began our work on “parts of speech”… The real lesson of the day already took place and it was over.

What I know is that sometimes you just don’t know. I had no idea that this young man was feeling so much pressure. But sometimes, it just takes one person to see you, recognize you, and be willing to offer support. That’s all it takes, one individual. No matter what age, sex, nationality or race- One of many things that humans seek is being understood . It is in our DNA. Not everyone needs exactly the same form of what someone else might need. But we all need something.

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